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What is 1 Dogecoin in US dollars?

1 Dogecoin is 0.002378 US Dollar. So, you've converted 1 Dogecoin to 0.002378 US Dollar. We used 420.482324 International Currency Exchange Rate. We added the most popular Currencies and CryptoCurrencies for our Calculator. You can convert Dogecoin to other currencies from the drop down list. Selling 1 Dogecoin you get 0.002378 US Dollar at 24.

What is the market cap of Dogecoin?

The current market cap for Dogecoin sits at $69 billion as of today (5th May 2021). According to Forbes, this makes it “the fourth most valuable cryptocurrency, behind bitcoin, ethereum and Binance Coin”. While it is highly likely Dogecoin will reach $1 in no time, many don’t believe the currency will reach $100.

What do you need to know about Dogecoin?

Some proponents of Dogecoin or DOGE, a cryptocurrency that started as a joke but is now one of the most popular coins around, would have you believe that the sentence above is all you need to know about Dogecoin. In a way, they'd be right. Dogecoin does not require a lot of thinking.

Will Dogecoin hit $1?

If Dogecoin hits $1, it will be a milestone for the currency no doubt, but more than anything it will solidify that the currency is viable to use with online merchants. Many online retailers are already accepting Dogecoin as a form of payment for Travel, E-books, Fashion and services. A list of places that accept the currency can be seen here.

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